

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

We are back!

the girls having one last swim at sunset
And it feels so good to have come back home, with a house already waiting for us on the other end! It came down to our last day, at the very last hour. We seriously signed a lease at 8 pm on Friday night, and we started our long drive home on Saturday morning. Phew! but it is done. We are moving to southern Ontario in two weeks time. Everybody in this household, but me, starts school in September. So exciting!

one glass of red wine to erase the many hours driving through Northern Ontario

a different kind of sand bar

Now, of course my life is completely upside down. Boxes have been slowly invading my corridors, and every shelf has seen some sort of re-arrangement and what not. Cold weather clothes will be coming out (even though it is still a bit too early), and summer clothes will be put away for now. Much, much packing to do.

In the mean time, Princess Rapunzel is almost ready to greet her new family, and so is Elfo Tinderbox. A new pretty lady is being masterminded at this very moment, and she will take me quite a few weeks to be completed. She is a custom doll that will travel across the Pacific Ocean and meet her new family in Asia, by the time I am already settled in my new home. Hopefully the setting in the new home wont take too long.
Gigantic sunflower

Jumping with friends in the Muskokas

Batchewana Bay adventures
I am happy to report that yes, I will continue having a sewing room, albeit smaller. There is space for me to keep creating my dolls, and there will be new sights, new flavours, new ideas and new inspiration to draw from. I can't lie, I will miss this beautiful lake we are leaving. It pains me just to think I wont be able to walk down the road and meet the ancient waters of Lake Superior. It has done wonders for my spirit, and for my creativity. But I do feel like it gave me a push, and a lot of direction in regards to my work. So with this beautiful lake behind me, and the two wonderful years we spent here, I will travel onward and meet the brotherhood of the other Great Lakes.

yummy produce available road side

Pay for what you take, and leave it in the box. "On your honour" said that wee tin box.
For now, I will tell you that all those wee bunnies, now just waiting for ears and what not, are going to have to sit patiently inside their basket, and not cause too much trouble. They will all be available once I am on the other end of the journey. It will take me of course a few days to sort out the house, and take photos of all these wee bunnies, but it wont be too long now once we are settled in our new home.

Looking out for that crazy chipmunk

Wasaga Beach clouds
I leave you with some quirky snaps from our trip down south. And will be back hopefully very soon to show you Miss Rapunzel, she must be so sick of me and my meandering ways!

Oh Rapunzel, let down your hair...

Julia, my Julia.