

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

I am ready!

I am ready Mom. Can you please come and pick me up?
I am ready to go home now, and play board games with you and my brothers and sister.
Would Dad make us something yummy to eat?
Who is coming next to visit?

I love my new dress Mom. Do you have many friends for me to play with and hug?
I have arms ready for cuddles, and my cheeks expect many kisses.
I am a good sitter, and can babysit other dolls, or children too. I know many good stories and I
am told I am a good listener, although most of the time I am doing the talking.

I like to be held, and to sit next to you while you work on your computer.
I don't like to be left alone, and don't like dark places, they make me scared.
I like to take long naps, with soft blankets around me.
I also love to sit by windows and see the world out there.

I am so ready Mom.
Can you please come and pick me up?
I can't wait to hug you and to be squeezed, and loved.
Ready? now, set, go! Come and get me.

*This sweet lady is going home. I will miss her more than I want to admit. But her time to leave this nest has come, and I am sure she will have loads of adventures and will be a good little doll. Au revoir my dear. Be good. Be well. Be happy.

Bassinets and Pillows

New sewing adventures