

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Children of the Snow | Three Custom Fiber Art Dolls

Children of the Snow | Three Custom Fiber Art Dolls

I have been meaning to write more on this blog of mine but really, where does time fly? It probably flies very far away from me because I can’t quite catch up with it. Nonsensical activity really.

three natural fiber art dolls sitting in the snow by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

Back in January when I opened new custom spots I was pleasantly surprised to welcome new passengers on this doll making wagon of mine.

All the spots went to kind souls who have never worked with me before on creating a one-of-a-kind custom doll, and though nerve-wracking for me, I hope it is a fun adventure for them.

Why nerve-wracking you ask? well, for one, because not having worked with them before means I go in almost blind.

blonde natural fiber art doll, custom order by fig and me

Nicole, a natural fiber art doll by fig and me.

brunette boy doll wearing glasses, custom art doll by fig and me

Nick, a natural fiber art doll by fig and me.

natural fiber art doll in the snow, custom made fig and me

Natalie, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me.

I have been making dolls for so many years now, that I regularly create dolls for a select group of fiery collectors. Such passionate doll mothers that they keep requesting custom dolls from me!

It is always lots of fun to create a new doll for them, but mainly because there is a familiarity between us that has borne out of many years of doll chit chat, sending dolls back and forth, and getting to know them, their families, and their doll taste, which does evolve over the years. Such as my techniques.

three natural fiber art dolls sitting outside, by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

Natalie custom natural fiber art doll in the snow, by fig and me

Custom natural fiber art doll wearing repurposed wooly fabrics, winter scenes by Fig and Me.

When I make a custom doll, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I put a lot of energy into the doll. A custom doll means a lot more to me. They certainly take me longer and I believe there is more expectation on these hands of mine.

Knowing this, I purposely leave plenty of time to take breaks from their creation and work on something “less taxing”. Dolls or things that spring to mind as I am making this doll, but that don’t quite fit the bill for her or him.

three custom fiber art dolls by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

natural fiber art doll in winter clothes, by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

three doll kids in the snow, by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

I try to respect my creative spirit and abide by these flashes of inspiration, to follow the muse wherever she may take me, and to allow the custom dolls room to breathe, to think what they really want, and to create slowly.

A custom doll normally takes me anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks. See what I mean?

So now that brings us to multiples. Creating doll families is certainly more time-consuming but it also brings an altogether different state of mind. I really feel I am creating siblings, so they share the camaraderie and mischief of a wool family.

custom art boy doll sitting on snow, by fig and me

Natural fiber art doll, custom order by Fig and Me.

Cue the Children of the Snow. That’s what I have decided to call them in my heart. They brought so much snow to my little village, that for a while there we were uncertain we were going to be able to leave the house.

Tunnels were forming all around us, just from piling snow with the snow blower, trying to keep clean access to doors, heating tanks and a place where to park our vehicle.

Madness of the most wintry fun!

Custom fiber art doll wearing cashmere sweater and hat in purple, by fig and me

Natural fiber art doll, custom order by Fig and Me.

When their mother answered my custom file, she really let me know how much she loved winter. Many of her own childhood memories and her children’s childhood were interspersed with many a winter adventure.

It was so appropriate that her doll children would be born in this season: surrounded by endless falling snowflakes, cashmere and lambswool fabrics, ski pants and cozy boots.

Nicholas natural fiber art doll by fig and me

Natural fiber art doll, custom order by Fig and Me.

It is now time to bid them good-bye and to close the chapter once more to an amazing custom doll journey, but they will forever live in my heart.

Every time I think of them, I will remember this crazy winter and everything that came with it. How the kept me so busy and out of trouble.

Three dolls playing outside in winter fun by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

The many early evenings we spent in deep conversation, sewing a little leg here, stuffing a little thumb there.

Dotting a freckled cheek and sewing snaps, buttons and adding bows.

But do not say good-bye just yet. I want to show you another one of their outfits, if the Lord grants me time to re-dress them and snap a few more photos of them.

Custom natural fiber art doll wearing glasses, by fig and me

Nick, a natural fiber art doll, custom order by Fig and Me.

It will have to wait as in a couple of days we have a young one’s birthday and we will be spending time away from the camera and the sewing machine to celebrate.

But if anything, these three have shown their temperance and I know they will wait for their time to shine again.

Three natural fiber art dolls in the winter scenes of Canada, by fig and me

The Children of the Snow, three natural fiber art dolls by fig and me.

Thank you for coming to see them. They fill me with joy, and in these hard times, that’s something to be very grateful for.

Mariana, a natural fiber art doll, donation style

Mariana, a natural fiber art doll, donation style

Needle Felting a Baby Face, New Online Class 2022

Needle Felting a Baby Face, New Online Class 2022