

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Cora, a Natural Fiber Art Doll, In her Sunday Best

Cora, a Natural Fiber Art Doll, In her Sunday Best

While we are never, ever ready, the time has come to say good-by to this little doll and send her to where she belongs: at home by the Pacific Ocean.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

We pride ourselves in keeping the dolls entertained, well educated and quite busy so the dry rot does not set in. They spend their time hanging from sturdy tree limbs, seeing the world upside down, which gives them fresh perspectives (very useful for children and teens alike).

We offer a plethora of literature and fiber arts for them to spend their leisure hours: everything from The Borrowers to The Secret Garden, The Boxcar Children and Huckleberry Finn. We provide linen, canvas, needles and floss. We show them the inner workings of the sewing machine and the double-pointed needles.

In the short course of their life with me they are privy to a myriad of techniques, words and flora. We inspect gardens, we read lovely words, we sometimes listen to beautiful music.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

As young people they are always full of questions. Some of them have to gather a bit more courage to speak their thoughts and doubts out loud, as they are of a shy nature. Others are boisterous and of firm convictions: no salads for dinner, only with lunch. Maple syrup instead of honey, still a winner in this house.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

I leave them space, time, and many nights of dreams to come to me with their ideas. Sometimes I ponder the placement of a button for days, quite unsure if it will cause discomfort or if I’m putting it at risk of being bounced out of life and clothing while attempting adventure. Just deciding the width of a hem can be cause for a lively discussion in the studio, with many other resident dolls piping in as the peanut gallery of an epic proportion.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

But as we try to never be in a detrimental rush, things do seem to work out always in our favour. The dolls are patient with my hands, and I in return am patient with their little wishes and dreams.

Take for example the hat. With the strong sunny Portuguese days, and the fair skin of this child who freckles quickly, I was a bit adamant that she had a hat.

She wanted a velvet fedora. With ostrich feathers to boot. It took several days, a parade of hat possibilities and the humble allure of straw braid to bring her to a more amiable position towards her final hat.

Once fully on board she happily went out with me to pick dried grasses and we decorated her hat together. She then chose linen yarn to make straps so the fierce breeze coming off the Atlantic did not take her hat with it. We were both so pleased.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

Cora is excited to board her ship and head home. We are packing up her things and telling her all about her upcoming travels. Poet has given her so many tips and how to behave when questioned by border officials. Little Penny has sat very wide-eyed and listened to all these important talks, as she most slept during her flight here. All the other dolls just talk over each other and don’t make much sense but Cora, being so gentle and understanding, lets them have a go at giving her advice.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

To say that working on her has been great and an adventure in itself, it’s quite an understatement. Working on and with Cora helped my heart stay afloat over anguishing days, the terrible loss of our dog, and the uncertainty that comes with a transatlantic move.

Having little seams to perfect and learn, laces to gather, threads to snap…kept my brain working and my hands doing what they love. For this alone I am forever grateful to her and her mother. For the patience they both bestowed upon me and the trust that I would see this to fruition. In the most magical manner.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

Being a dollmaker is such a blessing, such a pleasure, such a healing profession for me, that I always end up feeling completely “filled-up” once I am ready to send a doll home. There are many ups and downs and a big “push” in the end, that leave me feeling very spent and emotionally exhausted. But once I am able to close the chapter and say good-bye, my heart is quite ready for another journey with a doll in my hands.

Thank you for coming here to read about Miss Cora. For cheering me on as I create dolls and write their stories and for supporting the work of my hands. Without all of this I would not be here, 16 years later.

Natural fiber art doll Cora, by Fig and Me.

Help me in wishing Miss Cora a speedy journey home, a warm welcome from her new family and a life well lived.

Safe travels Cora! Don’t forget to write.

Wee Babies of a Portuguese Summer

Wee Babies of a Portuguese Summer

Morning Sun with Cora, a Natural Fiber Art Doll

Morning Sun with Cora, a Natural Fiber Art Doll