

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Little Beulah, a natural fiber art doll ready to play

Little Beulah, a natural fiber art doll ready to play

She is finally ready to find a family of her own. Beulah and I have been patiently waiting for the weather to calm down so we could go and play outside. Today was finally the day.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

It took a little bit longer than expected, to finish this sweet girl, but as you must already know I am always working on a few things at once.

That allows me to not burn out, as a very devoted dollmaker, but also to take (and give) as much time as needed to the dolls, so they can change their mind, choose buttons at their greatest leisure and enjoy themselves while still in this house.

We knew Beulah wanted (or needed) to find a family this month, for some reason she thinks that the word ‘April’ sounds very nice. So we steadily worked every week on her clothes, adding details and accessories to the little girl who developed a taste for hand knit clothing.

Be yourself the judge of that.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

She was the kick in the pants I needed to take my knitting needles again. I got a bunch of wool earlier this year and for some reason, after winding all the skeins into fat balls ready for knitting, I just couldn’t sit with a clear idea in my head.

Then April showed up and Beulah wanted a hat. It was like the gates opened wide!

All of a sudden I knitted four berets, one shawl and three collars. I don’t even know what happened to me. It’s all a blur of double-pointed needles and circulars, lace charts and some scary math.

As a result of this mad dash, you will soon have two fresh knitting patterns, one for the beret that Beulah is wearing and one for the lace collar. Both patterns will be in three sizes, but they are not ready yet, so don’t get too excited. You do know I work slow, right?

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

I normally don’t like taking photos of my dolls early in the morning. First, because I am lazy and second because I like the light much later in the day, but I have to agree here with Miss Beulah that today was the day. All her photos came out just right and now she can introduce herself properly to the world and try to find a family to belong to.

Beulah is a very little girl.

She doesn’t know how to read or write her name yet, but she knows what she likes. Butter is one of her favourite flavours, and oranges one of her favourite fruits.

She loves to be pushed on swings and she becomes a little daredevil, not afraid of falling or rising too high. Her little hands get white-knuckled for holding so tight, but her smile gets so wide you can’t help but to encourage the madness, pushing and pushing.

She loves to go on walks, most of my dolls love that, perhaps they take after me. Through parks, by the river, on the beach, through muddy trails, amongst flowers or empty gardens. Walking helps them think and they like to point out all the treasures they discover, lest you pass by without noticing them.

She is a tickle expert and can find the most ticklish part of your body with uncanny ability. Which gives her a lot of joy. It’s how she introduces herself: “I am a tickle expert, watch me do it!”.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah is a natural fiber art doll, 16” tall, sculpted and stuffed in sweet smelling wool. Her skin is high-quality cotton jersey and she is made with my Figlette doll pattern. A personal doll design that incorporates all the curves and body proportions of my youngest child when she was 5 years old.

Beulah has brown eyes, embroidered. Painted freckles and blushed lips and cheeks with red beeswax. Her hair is made of handmade wefts using Suri Alpaca locks. This hair style doesn’t allow for brushing and must be handled by very gentle hands. Only finger-styling please.

Beulah wears a full outfit, consisting of cotton underpants and long socks. A floral t-shirt with angora collar and cuffs, that opens fully at back for easy dressing and closes with sewn-in snaps. Her trousers are made of pink linen, are very puffy with an elasticized waistband and leg cuffs. Two big lined pockets serve to stash away Beulah’s found treasures.

Her suspenders are made of wool, sewn to the back and attach to the pants with the help of oversized coconut buttons. Her shoes are made of repurposed angora knit and lined with the same floral knit as her tshirt, they keep close with the help of leather ribbon.

As hand knit items she has a lace collar made in cashmere with leather ribbon and a wool beret, just her size. She tried another beret, belonging to a larger doll, and it was love at first sight. We had to make one for her.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah is the first Figlette doll with a moveable head. Up until now, only the Petite Figs had the honour. So you can pose her little head to the sides, turn it and play a lot with her. She sits very well and can stand propped.

Beulah is an absolute joy to have around. Her size, her pretty hair, her personality and the way her head moves all add undescribable charm to this sweet doll. I sure hope she finds a home that can enjoy playing with her for many years.

Beulah is an art doll, recommended for older children and adults (12+). Her price is $1250 USD and shipping to Canada|US is $50 USD. She is welcome to travel internationally but a revised quote will be required depending on your country of residence.

If you are interested in offering your home to Beulah, please enter your details in the form below. We will leave the form open until Sunday at 7 PM EST (we will be out of town for a couple of days so that’s why the period of time is longer), at which point we will proceed to draw a name at random from the entries received. Please only enter on behalf of yourself, if you are personally interested in playing with Beulah. If your name is selected, a Paypal invoice will be sent to you and payment is due upon receipt. Any questions please feel free to ask.

-Beulah has found a home. Thank you so much for opening the doors of your home to this little girl.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Beulah, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. Handmade art dolls.

Thank you so much for coming to read a little bit more about this little girl and if you are willing to give her a home, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Being a dollmaker is such a beautiful profession and it only happens with the support of the kind souls that give homes to my dolls. I feel incredibly blessed to have been able to do it for almost 13 years now.

We will see you all very soon!

Making a Tea Cup Leather Holster for your Dolls

Making a Tea Cup Leather Holster for your Dolls

Little Beulah, art doll in process

Little Beulah, art doll in process