A little Thora, and a little sick.
The sickies have taken us! We have spent a whole day ruminating and shuffling around the house, with a pot of tea at the ready, indulging in puddles of honey and sniffling the day away…and the night.
Yesterday we had every intention, actually we've had more than good intentions all week, but yesterday I even took Thora out for a walk. Well, what do you know? As soon as we headed outside it started to rain.
Both our hearts rejoiced of course because we love the rain and cloudy days (can you tell? Thora's outfit is mainly made of blue!), but then Thora decided that her shoes were not appropriate for such outings. So we headed into the studio to procure proper shoes.
Now by this time, we had been feeling a little unwell. Nothing to bring us down, just a little tickle at the back of the throat, that sort of thing. We persevered through sewing Thora's new pair of cashmere and wool shoes (now really, what is going on with the fashions of these dolls?), and we postponed the little outing yet again due to raindrops.
We posted this cute photo on IG and went home. By the time we reached the door of the kitchen, we knew something was very wrong. Achy body, watery eyes, the whole nine yards. To make matters worse, no internet and no cell service!. It really felt like the end of the world.
But lo and behold, feeling so crappy and having no means of mindlessly browsing the interwebs (or answering emails, which is what I do in the afternoons, amidst preparing trays of snacks for hungry faeries) I took a book in my hands, a cup of tea and a big blanket. I dozed off and got up only to take children to dance practice.
The rest of the day and night is pretty much a blur. I suppose my cell service came back at some point last night, and so did the internet. Children were fed, Thora went to bed all by herself, and although it was "just one of those nights" I think you will find me again with a blanket and a book.
If all goes well, no rain and less sickness, I should take Miss Thora one more time outside, to show you her inclinations and her inquiring personality. Thora is part of a long and dear collaboration with my doll making friends Juliane and Winter, which you can find at Notes from Björkasa and Winterludes Dolls (those are links to each doll so you can take a peek!). Each of us has had the pleasure of creating a lovely wool child, and we will tell you their story this coming Saturday.
So stay posted. Don't move a muscle. Send some good energies my way so my eyes stop watering enough to write it all up, and if you want to give any of these lovely dolls a home, Saturday is when you find out how.