Ah! to get up so early in the morning, before the little ones start making messes and you can hear their little feet scampering all over the house. To have the morning to yourself, and Enid. What a pleasure!.
Miss Enid and I decided to go outside, and smell the morning. Dew on the grass, ducks and geese flying about, a lonely herring gull pecking the ground for a tasty morsel. Enid and I and the morning light.
I finished her necessities. Or so she claimed they were necessities. A little dress (instead of a shirt), with more roses (as they are favourite), some red stripes (to remind her of life by the lake), a little purse full of girly treasures: a little pebble from the lake, a cute acorn cap from the oaks by the park, a fuzzy rhinoceros (?), a pretty bow, and a wooden clothespin.
Enid is a lovely doll. I love her, and while finishing her last little details (like the handmade elastic bands for her pigtails), my daughter decided to play a bit with her. She started talking through Enid, and saying all sort of giggly things. I had the thought of keeping her in the family, but I was quickly reminded by Enid that she wants to be a gardener, and by my husband that no more dolls are to stay in the house. So I will let her go.
Enid is a handmade doll, made by me. She is made with cotton jersey and stuffed with wool. Her hair is made of an alpaca blend and is attached strand by strand to a cap sewn to her head (very sturdy). She has embroidered facial features, and cute little bead earrings. Enid has a gardening pair of overalls, with handy pockets, wooden buttons and a bit of lace. She also wears a pair of velour boots with elastic loops, and jersey underpants. As a second outfit she has a breezy summer dress with raglan sleeves, two blush buttons and pretty lace. A matching bag compliments her dress, as well as two handy hair elastics. Her bag is full of wee treasures, which she will bring as I dare not take them out of her little bag. Enid is 21" tall and she is made in my figlette style. If you would like to help her get to grow a garden of her own, please fill up the form below. She will be available comment style for a day. I will select a person tomorrow at 9 AM EST to purchase her, and a paypal invoice will be sent. Her price is $650 USD plus postage charges.
So I managed to delete the form without deleting the entire post this time! jejejeje! I have just notified the selected buyer for Enid, my daughter Adica picked the name (it seemed fitting since she is the one that was playing with her), and she asked me to tell you this: "I am a little sad for the names of the people I didn't pick, but I am happy that Enid gets to go to a happy place and gets to meet her new Mom". And that is exactly how I feel every time we find a home for a doll.
Now I must return to the darn newsletter, which will be emailed shortly! Thank you all who offered your homes for Enid, she was very happy to hear about so many wonderful gardens out there!