

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

In the garden of Mary Lennox

In the garden of Mary Lennox

​Mrs. Thaw gave us the honour of melting all our snow!

​Mrs. Thaw gave us the honour of melting all our snow!

​I know that you are probably thinking "What is up with all the literary borrowing?", but honest to doughnuts ( a common saying of my mother in law!) this is something that came out of the mouth of my littlest one today. We were lucky to spot crocuses springing up from the Earth and this is what she said: "Mom, these are from the garden of Mary Lennox!". Now, to those who don't remember or don't have the slightest idea of what the heck I'm talking about, Mary Lennox is the protagonist in The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. We read this entire book a while ago, thinking and dreaming of Spring, imagining with all our might what the real garden must have looked like when Mary discovered it, getting excited as the pages went on and on describing the flowers, the secrets, the animal charming effects of little Dickon. It was all very grand. And now, I am so happy to see that it made an impression on my little girls, as they identified these little bulbs, as those who belonged to Mary's garden.

​Shot in colour, and edited to be black/white.

​Shot in colour, and edited to be black/white.


Now, the plants and trees are just waking up. Little by little we are noticing patches of green welcoming the air and Sun. Leftover browns from last Fall still linger on some branches, perhaps reminding us that this cycle will soon be over and give way to other ones, the true never ending story. That wee little worm (above photo, bottom right) was amplified by the plastic bag and we were able to see a lot of its features. The girls really like worms, and I am not too keen on them playing with them, so this was the perfect scenario for them to enjoy wiggling the worm about.​

​Now we must figure out what the name of some mysterious birds are, at what time exactly frogs are most active, and we also need to read a little on the properties of water and all this moosh we are encountering on our daily walks. We came home with a smile, with rosy cheeks and many questions. I must help these girls get answers for them, and in the mean time, learn a little myself. I hope to be back soon with some photos, and perhaps positive news, on the new cloth dolls I am working on. One things is for sure, they are squishy and also dangly. And we love them. Off to figure out that thing about frogs...

Bunny hops...

City Mouse and Country Mouse

City Mouse and Country Mouse