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She will go...

And have kind friends and a wonderful family. I am sure of it. I have decided to let Clove Tisane out of the comfort of our home, and to offer her up for those who will consider taking her home, even though she has a few glitches of construction. I think this is the best decision, as Eva is my doll and I am very happy with her, and I feel that Little Clove will make someone else as happy as Eva makes me.

Besides, we don't want Eva to start pulling pranks like this one, and show her that if she creates  mayhem in the sewing room I will end up with a basket full of dolls for her to play with. We had a chat this morning and I promised her to make her a little doll of her very own, and I think she is happy about it and truly wishes Clove to find a home to belong to.

The "issues" of construction of Little Clove lie in a really "bumpy" leg, and a crunchy heel seam. That's about it. She has rather pleasing proportions, sits and stands very well; all other seams are the same way as all my other dolls, same high quality materials have been used in her creation, excepts a little too much excitement perhaps. Like I have mentioned, she is 18" tall and very petite in build. Her chest measurement is 11.5" (29 cms), just so you get an idea of how exquisite she is. Clove Tisane will wear the same clothes  as my 16" dolls, except for pants, as she has longer legs and thinner waist. I plan on making more like her, and so soon enough there should be more clothes available for this size of doll.

Clove Tisane is part of the small collection I am working on, called Scones on Sunday. She comes wearing a pure linen dress with raw selvedge hem, front bib, puffy sleeves with elasticized hem, and Liberty bias throughout. The dress closes on back with three vintage glass buttons (same as decorative ones on front). She also has a pair of muslin bloomers, also trimmed with Liberty bias. A pair of wool maryjanes, that close with wooden buttons. And a cute velvet headband. If there had been no issues with her construction, I would sell a doll this size and with these clothes for $335 USD. However, I cannot put a price on her, based on the mistakes I incurred, and I will offer this doll for a brief period of time as a silent auction.

I can't be bothered opening a third store just to hold an auction, so here is how we are going to do it:

You can email me your name, your country, and your suggested purchasing price
 to this email address: fabs(at) 

I will receive offers until 12:00 PM EST Sunday Apr 22nd. 
At that time, I will review the emails received and go of course with the highest price suggested, no kismet involved here. 

There is no rush to submit your request, and no bidding mania either. You have time to decide if Clove has spoken to you, and to place your honest offer, 
taking in consideration the quality of the doll of course.

I am very excited to have decided to offer Clove Tisane this way, as I received quite a few offers already by email, and I thought it was a good idea to let everybody who has seen her already take a chance at bringing her home. Clove is beside herself excited, she can't wait to go other places and start sending letters back to her sister Eva. She has promised and promised she will write back, I hope you have it in your heart to keep her promise. Eva was a bit pouty but, like I said, she is excited to get her own little doll and has decided that Clove needs to be somebody else's little doll too.

So good luck everybody! and thank you for your interest in bringing Little Clove home with you.
See you tomorrow.

Thank you everybody for your kind comments and offers to take Clove into your homes. 
I was very humbled by the response of everybody,
 knowing that this cute little doll is perfect in her own way,
 even though she has a few glitches. 
I have just notified the selected person, and hopefully little Clove will travel soon 
to her new loving home. We are all very excited for her! 
See you soon.