fig & me

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Mr. Chadwick, the first

What do we have here, I say? A lovely boy with a penchant for frosty cheeks and the wind in his face as he races down the hill in his homemade skis.

As luck would have it, Chadwick had the pleasure of enjoying his most favourite season of all. He put on his thick woollen sweater, his wool pants, cashmere socks and grabbing his favourite hat on the way out yelled: “Don’t wait for me for lunch, I’ll be gone all day”.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

I run into the kitchen as I had gone into gear early, to roast a few potatoes for just this reason. As soon as I woke up and saw the hills covered in snow, I knew he would be going out as soon as he got up.

“But wait Chad…just take these with you in case you get hungry” I pleaded with him. He grinned. Little rascal was hoping for the very thing.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

While I packed two potatoes and a few other tasty bits, he sat on the table with his legs hanging from the padded chair.

Even though he is very tall for a doll out of this studio, he is still a young fellow and must stretch a little to see well over the table; but he never reaches for the pepper grinder though, he always asks politely.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

He finished cleaning his spectacles, then rubbing the fattest dollop of creamy butter on his seeded toast proceeded to have a bite, while watching me pack his potential luncheon with vested interest.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

I packed him a few thick slices of caraway bread, a small jar with orange marmalade that Grandma made, walnuts and two roasted potatoes. I figured that would hold him upright for a few hours anyway.

He grinned, in the most adoring way that only he can grin, and gave me a kiss on his way out the door. Ah! this boy has my heart.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

I did ask for a few photos as he was getting ready. He allowed me this grace because he knew his new mom would love to get some. He has a kind heart like that.

He is also not a vain chap and so photos are not in his comfort zone. He prefers the outdoors.

He loves being outside listening to birds in the summer and playing in the snow in the winter, building ice forts and fighting the good fights, against the boys one street over via massive snow ball battles.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

He and the boys roast chestnuts to try to keep themselves warm. They don’t like calling it quits after a full day outside, and they especially despise being the first one to go back home.

You can see them flinch and lose 3” inches in height whenever a nearby door opens…anticipating a loud call from a mother hen calling her chick to roost…or eat supper.

They like to think of themselves as Arctic explorers or mountaineers facing incredible odds. Not the local scramble of rugamuffins playing hide and seek in the snow.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

Aside playing with his best pals and partners in crime, Chadwick enjoys the winter sports. Skating as fast as he can down the frozen canals, snowshoeing through thick snow in dark parts of the forest and above all, skiing as much as he can, whenever possible.

One does not know what ski gene was passed onto him, but one approves.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

We know he is very loved and very wanted where he is going, with an entire family of woollen children to help him feel welcome.

He is in fact already there and we have received notice of arrival and a happy ending with him riding his mom car, well strapped in of course!

Have a happy and full life my wonderful chap ⭐️

Making Notes

It has been one of the greatest pleasures of my doll making career to have had the opportunity to make Little Chad. I know I call him little, but he is quite tall.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

I believe, although my memory is not what it used to, that he is the tallest doll I’ve ever made. At 28” in height he wears human clothes with ease! Though one has to make adjustments of course.

He is a wool sculpture over an inner armature that allows him to bend and pose and hold said poses in myriads of ways. He also has joints to increase this mobility. His head is completely articulated, so he can look up and down, to the sides, and because his neck has an armature inside he can also bend his head, tilt, etc.

I shared some details of his making and my current thought process with armatures for dolls via this vlog. If you are interested in doll making, perhaps you want to check it out.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

The inspiration behind his creation were a few vintage photos of joyous children playing in the snow, well before we had fleece or ‘fancy’ outdoor-approved tech fabrics for winter sports.

No. He was made with visions of red-cheeked children wearing felted mittens just from playing outside, pushing their toboggans down the local park.

I started with his sweater, by up-cycling a marvellous hand-knit jumper made in Ireland. It had run into the same dreadful fate of many of my woollen friends: someone put it in the washer and it felted a bit.

But not entirely and just in the right amount that the knit stitches looked so proportional to Chadwick that I had to use it for his clothes. Knowing he was an avid ski man, I hoped this sweater could provide the thickness and warmth he required for hours upon hours hitting the slopes. Now I think he might overheat wearing it 🤭

Then I made him vintage-style wool pants with very sweet side openings at both waist and legs. A friend called them ‘sailor pants’ but they are not quite that style. Close though.

He of course needed tall and warm boots. I loved making his boots. There is so much detail that you can only see up close and especially feel, once you hold them.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

Now Chadwick had to help me make an outfit for one of his sisters. So we made a more modern version of the ski outfit and I also made her a sweater and hat in her favourite colour: purple.

I also shared the thoughts and process of making some of these clothes via this other vlog on Patreon.

And furry boots to wear to the chalet!

Ski doll boots, by Fig and Me.

As you can see from all his photos, he has incredible mobility, but I think the ‘best’ thing about him is the way he looks at you. How he gently smiles and sometimes even smirks. His expression.

I’m obviously in love with all my dolls, but Chadwick is special. There is just something about him 😍 that I can’t quite put my finger on. Might be the combination of all the things, including his ginormous size.

Chadwick, a 28” natural fiber art doll, completely sculpted and articulated, by Fig and Me.

He is happily already in the hands of his mother and enjoying the chatter of his new family. To whom we are eternally grateful. For the patience, the trust in my hands and the given opportunity to create him.

I hope you love Mr. Chadwick and I will see you all soon, with visions of another special girl… debarking from the merry lands of Jane Austen.