Elijah enjoying Autumn
The time has come to say good bye to my sweet Elijah, so we started chatting while we worked in the garden. As is usual with little dolls, they ask more questions than one can answer any given day.
We started early so it was still warm. The light was still bright and we could both see perfectly well what we were doing. I do think this child runs very hot, because he took off his jacket at the first sign of work.
I normally will advise about wearing proper clothes for the task at hand, but since it was a bit warm he decided to wear his light seersucker suit.
Obviously I made him this outfit thinking of sandy beaches, late patio dinners by candlelight in the hot summer air, maybe wonderful celebrations. You know? His party outfit. Well, he seems to be oblivious to the distinction and decided to tackle cleaning the fire pit while wearing such magnificent clothes.
Once we finished cleaning we decided to have a big tall glass of lemonade. He started telling me all these beautiful stories and the ideas he has for when he finally goes home.
I said: “Well, hold your horse there buddy, not so fast! Who says you are going home right away?”. Since he saw me packing dolls earlier that day he assumed he was next, and he is, but we still need time for hugs and parties with Poet I said.
Sewing this little outfit was unbelievably fun and challenging. I consider both things almost the same actually. I like to test my brain and figure things out as I am sewing. Stopping to think, research, read and look at lots of different versions of the same thing I am making.
When I actually make it happen I am always a tad surprised at how it comes out. There are things I didn’t quite design beforehand, but that spring out in the moment of sewing.
I always, always like to add hand made details, wether that is enclosing a raw seam, adding pick stitching, or even making corded buttonholes by hand. I like to think that the dolls can feel that and that my doll mothers appreciate those details. If anything, they give me immense pleasure.
He wanted a baseball cap and we tried twice. First time the fabric wasn’t right, second time the design needed adjustments and third time was the good one. I used my most precious linen canvas to make this hat and every time I use it I feel like I am handing out gold. I love it so much.
It started to get late so we had to head inside for a bit. The light was just so beautiful that he asked to go for a little walk, so we changed his clothes and headed out once more.
Making custom dolls like Elijah, takes me almost forever. I don’t regret it and I love seeing how the dolls choose things, how their parents choose things for them and I love giving myself time to work out the details, and see what things work and what doesn’t.
I can make dolls much faster than this if needed, but I have to be very certain of what I am making and with custom dolls I like to not be certain. I like to discover them.
We were going to give his jeans knitted patches, but on second thought and seeing how hard he plays, we went with just a different colour of the same jean material. I bought special thread for his jeans and special needles too. In total I think I drafted about 30 new pattern pieces for his clothes. So much fun I tell you!
His mother requested a knitted sweater, the kind that goes over the head we said. With stripes (my favourite thing in the world!). Since he is a Canadian boy we had to use wool yarns in the right thickness to ward off Father Winter’s freezing temperatures.
I am so pleased with this outfit of his, it just screams cozy to me and I almost wish I had the exact same thing so we could take a matchy picture!
We headed a little deeper into the woods, trying to find mushrooms and bird’s nests. We listened to the migrating woodpeckers and hope to maybe find a bear. A little one we said.
I love photographing my dolls. It gives me pleasure to see them through the lens of the camera and it’s so funny to me how they look different just because of it. I discover new angles and see them in a whole different way.
Photographing them outside is my favourite environment for them. I feel like they just come alive faster surrounded by the nature that inspires me so much. Though my neighbours think I have lost the plot, I couldn’t care less.
We were both watching the woodpeckers here. Doesn’t he look so mesmerized by them?
So yes, my beautiful boy. It is time to send you home but first we should bake a pie, I hear you like apple pie the best, and spend a little bit more time romping on the fallen leaves.
I give thanks for your mother and all your siblings, who are giving these hands the time of their life!