

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Aelfreda: waking up.

Aelfreda: waking up.

Babies have to  be the most mesmerizing little things ever, that or watching the fire crackling, the rain drops on a window, or the wind toss leaves.

Aelfreda, a custom natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. #dollmaking #sewingfordolls

I have been meaning to come and introduce this little bundle of wool and joy, but between keeping Aspen and Thora ready for their travels, plus dealing with all the other dolls in the studio who are getting very excited to come and meet you, time just slipped through my fingers.

Babies sleep most of the time, so it also felt a bit rushy and a bit mean to wake Aelfreda just to take her picture. But this morning, we caught her awake for just a bit and so we tried her new bib on and away we went.

Baby Aelfreda is a custom natural fiber art doll, made by the loving hands of Fabs at Fig and Me. With her quilted bib, which has a lovely #trapunto heart. Made of linen and cozy flannel. #dollmaking 

Baby Aelfreda, a custom baby dolll by Fig and Me. 

Don't let your heart run away with you though, Aelfreda already has a mother. One of the most loving and caring doll mothers I have had the pleasure of sending my wool children to, and one that has been dreaming of a baby doll for quite some time. It has finally being on both our lucky stars that the time was just right for Aelfreda to be born. And so here she is.

Such a cuddly bundle of wool and cloth, with her wispy mohair head, and her rosy peeky cheeks. I adore her and can hardly wait to show you everything I have been cooking for her. 

But we shall wait. A short trip across to ship Aspen and Thora first, plus all the many wool wands you were so kind to take into your dollmaking hands. We shall be back soon though, with one last good bye from Thora and Aspen, plus the introduction of my latest doll clothing patterns: pyjamas and bunny slippers. I will keep you posted.

Mean time, I am going to go and cuddle with Aelfreda before I leave her in the care of Poet and Eva. I hope they take good care of her while I am gone.

Baby Aelfreda, a custom natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me. 

Bunny Slippers Pattern and a healthy discount.

Bunny Slippers Pattern and a healthy discount.

Doll Body Proportions. A simple Guide.

Doll Body Proportions. A simple Guide.