

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Aven and Ximena, out in the snow.

little socks, by fig and me

After days and days of uncooperative weather, the wool children were starting to get restless. That old answer of "maybe tomorrow" was not cutting it anymore and I could see it was not going to hold them at bay for many more days. Finally the weather changed, just enough so that we could plan an outing. Socks and layers started piling up. We were excited to introduce these two to the snow. 

linen dress by fig and me.

putting on my socks, by fig and me

aven and serafina, by fig and me

getting ready, by fig and me

family photo, by fig and me

Serafina, her "older little" sister was so much help getting her ready. She volunteered to untangle her hair, and to make sure she had all her layers before we ventured outside. 
-Do you have your nice linen underdress? check.

-What about your cashmere-sleeve dress? the one with the patchwork ruffles and nice big pockets? check.

-Don't forget your new socks and flurry boots! check.

-Please put on your fluffy collar, the ones with the pretty wool beads. Check.

-Aven, your hat! Put on your hat! Check.

In the snow field, by fig and me

in the snow, by fig and me

in the snow, by fig and me

in the snow, by fig and me

They had fun in the snow, these two. I told them to cherish every moment of it because when they are headed home there won't be much snow to enjoy. Unfazed by such warnings, they kept putting snow in their mouths, trying to make snowballs and giggling with delight at the nice crunchy sounds they made as they walked over the crisp snow. Ximena bounced all over the place, always with an eye on Aven, making sure she wouldn't get into too much mischief. 

Ximena in the snow, by fig and me

Enjoying the sunset, by fig and me

enjoying the sunset, by fig and me

As the sun started to go down, I realized they will soon be departing this house. As well as Serafina who paid me such a lovely visit. I am going to miss their chubby faces and their silly games, but as with all my dolls, it is a journey I have come to terms with. Part of the pleasure of creating dolls, is knowing how much fun someone else will have with them; anticipating the delight, the play, the smiles, the hugs that await these toys is one of the many things that drives me. While designing them and making them is immensely fun, sending them away, albeit hard, is also part of the fun. I am so grateful to their Mom, who allowed Serafina to be with me for such an extended period, and who was so patient with me, while I hummed my usual doll  making song. Thank you for giving me the chance to see Aven and Ximena come out of my hands. Forever grateful!.

Safe travels my little ones, maybe you will come back and visit me one day. 

Goodbye and sunsets, by fig and me

Little Alva and Sofia, baby dolls that plea to be hugged.

Carefree Aven.