

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

And then it rains.

Watching the rain, by Fig & me

"They promised snow. The weather man said snow. This doesn't look like snow!", a cranky Beatrice said today first thing in the morning. Oh, I know little one, I know all too well the vagaries of playing catch up with the weather around here. And I also know, all too well again, how it feels to have your grand plans crushed by unexpected events. 

A day full of lovely shadows, by Fig&me

Watching rain drops…by Fig&me

Roses on your linen dress, by Fig&me

"But I wanted to look for animal tracks, the early ones. What do I get to do all day today, then?" she asked with that tone of voice of the child who has a sad heart. Not to worry my dear, I will take you on an adventure. First we will discover a pretty nest. I have started a small collection you see. The big one is a robin's nest, built on our entrance door last year. One egg didn't hatch and it broke my heart, but we recovered.

A big big nest, by Fig&me

Having adventures on rainy days, by Fig&me

Next we will wonder and ponder where are we going to hang this beautiful bird house Dad has made for the little girls. They have taken such interest in birds and nest and feathers, that we will have to repair all the bird houses in the yard, and also make a few. Perhaps our young naturalists will read you a book today about birds and feathers. 

A little bird house, by Fig&me

Pondering the day, by Fig&me.

Beatrice and her braid, by Fig&me

Yes, I do know you wanted to play outside. But you never know, it might stop raining later and then we can start building a pretty nest for the Easter Rabbit, so that it can spend the night in comfort and perhaps leave us a few chocolate eggs. What? You have never done this my dear girl? Well, that's how we do it in this house (tradition passed down to us from my dear friend Tracy and her family). We gather moss, twigs, grass, pinecones, whatever we can find; then we build a nice comfy bed, with the hope of waking up on Easter morning and seeing wether the Easter rabbit spent the night at our home or not. So far we have been terribly lucky!. 

Beatrice in her Winter clothes, by Fig&me

Little Miss B, by Fig&me

Bias cut wool doll coat, by Fig&me

Beatrice in Winter regalia, by Fig&me

Oh yes my dear, I know you had plans of playing with your dolls today, bringing them outside and pretending you were on an expedition to the north pole. Yes, I know you wanted to see the Belugas, and the arctic foxes. You certainly dressed yourself for it. But listen, no matter what, we can always play pretend inside!.

Watching the clouds roll in, by Fig&me.

Beatrice wanted to go to the north pole! by Fig&me

A doll and the rain, by Fig&me

Now, as you well can understand, I have a busy day ahead of me. I need to figure out how to keep Beatrice happy, and how to keep two little girls as dried as possible because there is just nothing stopping them from heading outside. Beatrice will look at them from the window, with those big blue eyes, and wonder why instead of a winter outfit I didn't make her a rainy day outfit instead. The task at hand requires cunning motherly behaviour, so I have to go. 

I hope you enjoy your weekend, no matter if it's raining, snowing, windy, or lovely and sunny. We sure hope the Easter bunny comes again to this house!. See you soon. 

Ten Little Lambs.

The melting.

The melting.